Le Chat Abyssinian

Enter Information Below:

User Name:
Your Email Address(*):
Your Home Page (*):
How Many Old Messages To Display:
Automatic Refresh Rate (Seconds):
Use Frames?:
Chat Room

Special Notes:

(*) Indicates Optional Information

Choose how many old messages to display if you want to display some older messages along with the new ones whenever you refresh the chat message list.

Additionally, if you use Netscape 2.0 or another browser that supports the HTML Refresh tag, then you can state the number of seconds you want to pass before the chat message list is automatically refreshed for you. This lets you display new messages automatically.

If you are using Netscape 2.0 or another browser that supports Frames, it is highly suggested that you turn frames ON. This allows the messages to be displayed in one frame, while you submit your own chat messages in another one on the same screen.

Le Chat Abyssinian is brought to you by Chen Computer Services, Inc.